
Revolutionising Tender Bidding Strategies with AI

A Case Study of Vamstar’s Pricing Co-Pilot for a Top-10 Generics Company
  • Client

    Top international Pharma, generics market.

  • Primary Goal

    Enhance tender bidding strategy and margin optimisation using AI-driven tools in post-LoE scenarios.

  • Vamstar Capability

    • AI-based Pricing Co-Pilot

    • Data Orchestration Technology

    • Deep Learning Models


A leading pharmaceutical company with a robust international presence and growing operations in Europe found itself grappling with increased competition in the generics market, particularly in tenders following Loss of Exclusivity (LoE), where market prices plummeted by up to 95%.


To address these challenges, the company’s leadership, both European and global, sought innovative methods to identify lucrative opportunities and enhance margins under these testing conditions.


During the CPhI conference, Vamstar introduced its AI-based Pricing Co-Pilot to the company’s senior executives, which promised to revolutionise their approach to tender bidding by leveraging machine learning and deep learning to analyse and predict tender outcomes effectively.

Key outcomes

At Vamstar, we’re committed to transforming the life science market access and supply chain landscape with cutting-edge technology and unparalleled support.

  • Revenue growth

  • Win rate increase

  • Margin improvement

Tranformation Journey

  • Before Vamstar
  • During our collaboration
  • After

The company struggled to manage the competitive pressures of the generics market, relying on traditional market knowledge and manual data collection and analysis for tender bidding.


Despite attempts to use Excel-based models for pricing estimates, they concluded that accurately modelling tender bidding scenarios and accounting for the myriad variables influencing bidding outcomes was an insurmountable task.


The leadership recognised the need for a more sophisticated approach to drive growth and profitability in the face of intense competition.

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