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Manage your work with TenderGPT

  • Access opportunities relevant to your business

  • Answer complex tenders and RFP’s in an instant

  • Discover insights to help you close more business

  • Supports your day-to-day research

    Enhances daily research efficiency by delivering precise, data-driven insights and saving 80% of the time on your daily tender and RFP research.

  • Develops Tender/RFP responses

    Streamlines the creation of comprehensive, compliant, and competitive tender and RFP responses to increase win rates.

  • Analyses trends and predict patterns

    Provides insightful trend analysis to inform strategic decision-making and identify market opportunities to grow the business.

Intuitive chat function

Vamstar’s TenderGPT is the future of tender and RFP management, streamlining workflows and enhancing commercial outcomes. Discover how our advanced AI platform can support your commercial efforts. Watch our video to see TenderGPT in action and transform your tender management process.


Our plans

  • Member

    Your personal workspace

    • Pre-Tenders
    • Tenders
    • Awards
    • Tender Participation Documents
    • Tender Award Documents
    • Procurement contact information
    • Historical contract awards
    • Global & Local Coverage*
    • Tender Search with GPT
    • Tender Document Analysis
    • Tender Summaries
    • Automatic Tender Response

    30-Day Free Trial

    Get started

    * Subject to additional costs

  • Professional

    Inclusive of Member Features +

    Member features +
    • Buyer intelligence
    • Distributor Insights
    • Framework Insights
    • CRM Integration*
    • Advanced Analytics
    • Geographical Insights
    • Customisable Notifications
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    • On-Boarding Support

    30-Day Free Trial

    Leverage professional capabilities

    * Subject to additional costs

Improve your team’s performance

  • Workflow

    Streamline the tendering process by automating repetitive tasks such as document preparation and approval workflows, reducing manual workload and errors, and improving resource utilisation.

  • Tender/RFP Matching

    Enhance your chances of winning contracts by receiving highly relevant and actionable opportunities through AI-driven matching based on specific criteria.

  • Analytics

    Gain deep insights into the tendering process and market trends, supporting strategic decision-making with data-driven insights to refine tendering strategies and improve win rates

  • Compliance

    Ensure all tender submissions adhere to regulations and standards with automated checks and validations, reducing the risk of disqualification and ensuring thorough, accurate submissions.

  • Source Monitoring

    Benefit from tailored monitoring specific to your business vertical with continuous tracking and collection from diverse sources. This ensures comprehensive coverage of potential tenders and RFPs, utilising advanced AI to present relevant opportunities in real-time.

  • Data Orchestration

    Seamlessly aggregate and organise siloed data from multiple locations, providing readily accessible data for comprehensive analysis.